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Plastic Surgery For Men

For men, plastic surgery presents an opportunity to sculpt their body into a more masculine physique. Many men have benefited from plastic surgery procedures designed to change the contours of their face, chest, and body.

How common is male plastic surgery?

Plastic surgery is growing increasingly popular among men in the West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens area. Last year, more than a million cosmetic procedures were performed on men in the United States alone. More and more men are taking advantage of the wide range of male plastic surgery procedures that can help them contour their bodies and improve their self-esteem.

What procedures are available for men?

One of the most common forms of plastic surgery performed on men is gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction. This technique can give men with excess chest tissue a flatter, more masculine silhouette. Other body contouring procedures often requested by West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens area men include thigh lifts, body lifts, and liposuction.

Many of the same techniques available for women are also performed on men. For instance, male patients often request injections of dermal fillers or muscle relaxants to reduce wrinkles they feel make them look tired or older than they truly are. While many of these techniques are performed to reduce the signs of aging, other male plastic surgery procedures are designed for men who have never liked the appearance of a specific facial feature. Otoplasty (ear surgery) and rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) are two examples. Meanwhile, facial implants can help you achieve a chiseled chin or more defined jawline.

Is male plastic surgery right for me?

Whatever kind of male plastic surgery procedure you are considering, these techniques can help you achieve a more youthful and more masculine appearance. Plastic surgery may be right for you if you are an adult male who is dissatisfied with a particular body part. Whether you're unhappy with the excess tissue on your chest, want to sculpt your thighs, or wish your forehead was smoother, plastic surgery may be the answer. In general, good candidates for these procedures are in good overall health and are at or near a healthy weight.

What should I do next?

With male plastic surgery procedures, you can look great at any age and feel confident about the way you look. Male plastic surgery is becoming increasingly popular among men looking to sculpt their face or body into a more masculine appearance. If you are considering any form of male plastic surgery procedure in the West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens area, call Dr. Kapp today at (561) 833-4022 or fill out our online form for your consultation.