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Facial Surgery

Facial plastic surgery was developed to improve the contours of the face. These procedures are popular ways to reduce signs of aging or correct the shape of facial areas that you've never been happy with. Many West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens area patients find that subtle changes in their facial appearance bring a significant boost in self-confidence.

What are the types of facial surgery?

Nearly every portion of the face may be reshaped through surgery. Some procedures focus on wrinkles, sagging skin, and other effects of aging. These include:

Is facial cosmetic surgery right for me?

Facial surgery can rejuvenate your appearance or create more aesthetically-pleasing facial contours. Facial procedures may be right for you if you are self-conscious about specific aspects of your appearance like a bump on your nose or ears that protrude too far. Facial surgery is also commonly performed on patients who have begun to notice signs of aging like facial lines and wrinkles, and feel that these effects make them look tired, angry, or older than they truly are. Adults of any age who are in good general health can undergo these facial procedures in the West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens area.

How much does facial surgery cost?

The cost of facial plastic surgery varies greatly based on the surgical procedure and the extent of change desired. The costs begin at around $2,000 and can range up to $7,000 or more for extensive surgical work such as a full facelift.

How involved is facial surgery?

Depending on the specific procedure and your individual goals, the surgical work may involve trimming excess skin, removing excess fat, reshaping cartilage, or inserting extra fat or synthetic tissues to enhance the volume of certain areas. Most of these procedures require general anesthesia and between one and four hours of surgical time; some may be performed with local anesthesia.

How long is the facial surgery recovery process?

The recovery period depends on the procedure chosen. Most patients are able to return to work in about a week after facial surgery, although extensive surgeries such as facelifts can require two weeks or longer of recovery time. Common side effects include tenderness, soreness, discomfort, bruising, swelling, and bleeding.

What should I do next?

These procedures are popular among West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens area patients who are looking for a way to rejuvenate their facial appearance or fix a facial feature that has always bothered them. Call Dr. Kapp today at (561) 833-4022 or fill out our online form for your consultation.